
Tuition is divided into 10 payments beginning in August and ending in May.
No student may begin the new school year unless the previous school year’s bill has been paid in full.



  • Multi-student Discount of $35.00 is given to each additional child enrolled from one family. (Oldest child is full price.)
  • Early Registration Discount of $25.00 for any family who promptly pays for registration by May 28th.

Late Fee

  • A late fee of $10.00 per family will be charge when full payment of tuition is not received by the 15th of the month.


  • Any book lost or destroyed will be replaced at the parent’s expense.
  • The full registration fee will be charged regardless of when a student begins during the school term.  Registration fee must be paid before the student may enter school.
  • *Discounts to Seventh-Day Adventist Church Members are subsidized by local Adventist Churches through donations and offerings.

Registration Information
Grades Registration *York SDA Church Member *Other SDA Church Member Non SDA Church Member
Pre-K4 $225.00 $430.00 $430.00 $430.00
Kindergarten $225.00 $355.00 $375.00 $395.00
Grades 1-8 $225.00 $325.00 $345.00 $365.00




